In the mod, there are 14 different ores, some are more common, while others are very rare. Many of them can be found only in specific biomes, and some require a specific method of extraction
Most of these resources you mine need to be smelted in a smelting furnace to obtain specific and much-needed metal alloys
Lead ore

Lead ore is a very common ore. You can find it on virtually every biome. Additionally, it also occurs in the Desert Zone world. It can be found between levels 0 and 29 in the world
Lead is practically used for everything from the beginning of the game. You can craft other metals, ammunition, and other items from it
Sulfur Ore

Sulfur is a very common ore that occurs in every biome in both the regular world and the Desert Zone. It is found in very large quantities and is generally abundant. It can be found between levels 2 and 40 in the world
Sulfur is not very useful. Its most important application is that you can make a large amount of gunpowder with it. It is used for some types of ammunition
Magnesium ore

Magnesite is an ore that can only be found in swamps. It occurs there in large quantities. It appears in the world between levels 2 and 40
Magnesium’s main application is that it is one of the components needed to create Stolzyte ingots, which are widely used for crafting weapons, tools, armor, and repairs at the III tier
Silver ore

Silver is a less commonly encountered metal that occurs in the regular world and more frequently in the Desert Zone. This ore can be found at levels ranging from 2 to 37
Silver is mainly used for smaller items, just like magnesium. It’s needed to create other alloys that can be used for crafting various items
Platinium ore

Platinum is a rare metal found in the regular world and more abundantly in the Desert Zone. It can be encountered between levels 2 and 36
Tungsten ore

Tungsten is an ore commonly found in the underground. It appears in substantial quantities in the regular world and in the Shadow World. You can encounter it between world levels -60 and -30
Huge amounts of tungsten are needed for creating and upgrading firearms, but that’s not its only application; tungsten is used virtually everywhere, although in smaller quantities
Scandium ore

Scandium is a slightly less common version of tungsten. Just like tungsten, you can find it between world levels -60 and -30 in the regular world and in the Shadow World
Osmium ore

Osmium is a highly desirable metal due to its wide range of applications. It can only be found in savannah terrain or possibly in the Shadow World. You can find it between world levels -60 and -30
Iridium ore

Iridium is one of the most challenging metals to obtain, and its ingots are very expensive. You need to mine a lot of it to obtain a single ingot. It can be found in the regular world on every biome and also in the Shadow World. You can find it between world levels -60 and -30
Iridium is a very expensive and challenging metal to acquire, but it is not frequently used. It is primarily utilized to create individual weapons and smaller items

Oil ore can be found in two places. Oil fossils are deposited at the bottom of oceans and also deep underground in desert areas at levels between -60 and -30. Oil can also be found in the Shadow World
Extracting oil is essential if you want to produce greases, oils, and gasoline in refineries. Additionally, oil fragments are required for smelting Widia ingots, a crucial alloy used in creating high-tier tools and weapons

Titanium ore

Titanium is a metal that you can only find in the End world. It appears on the surface of the islands, so all you need to do is fly over the islands to search for it
Ancient metal ore

Ancient metal ore can only be found in the Shadow World. When searching for it, be sure to look carefully because this ore is very dark. Remember that mining this metal is only possible using a lava bucket
Ancient metal is used to craft the most powerful weapons available in my mod. It’s one of the most potent metals in the mod
With time, obtaining Ancient Metal ingots will also be possible not only through a lava bucket but also with a welding torch and an oxygen cylinder

Solidified Mana Ore

You can find Clotted Mana in the Shadow World. It is one of the available options for collecting mana. Remember that mana from this source can only be obtained through a Mana Extractor

Solidified ice

Clotted Ice appears exclusively in the depths of the caves in the White Frost world and can be found between levels 2 and 37
You can refine gas from this ore, which is used to power ODM gear